
一课译词:赶时髦 [Photo/Pexels]”赶时髦”,意思是追上潮流的特性或性格,迎合当时最流行的风尚。可以翻译为“follow the fashion,try to be in the swim”等。例句:sū shì gè p...

Each silk thread must cross the dent. It is common to decide which one should be picked up and which one should be put down. By following these strict rules, exquisite silk...

加上简单流畅的裁剪,飘逸的线条感,wrap dress传递的是一种简约而高级的性感。 Diane有一句名言: “Feel like a woman? Wear a dress.” 而裹身裙正是为了展示女性的曼妙曲线而诞生,不管你处在人生的哪个阶段,都应该拥有一条wrap dress。 2.没有比裹身裙更显瘦的裙子了...

Dressed to kill 打扮迷人 例句: She must be trying to impress him. She is dressed to kill. 她一定花了很大心思要引他注意,穿得这么花枝招展。 It totally slipped my mind 完全忘...

成人高考学位英语备考练习:非谓语动词 一、不定式 (一)基本结构 to do to be doing to have done to be done to have been done 学位英语真题汇编 1、Judging from his manners at the party, he does

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